Insomniac Games has finally responded addressing the massive hack the studio faced from ransomware group Rhysida. The tweet captioned “an update regarding Insomniac and Marvel’s #WolverinePS5” goes into acknowledging the damage done by the data breach and the studio’s resilience with the further development of Marvel’s Wolverine.
“Marvel’s Wolverine continues as planned. The game is in early production and will no doubt greatly evolve throughout development, as do all our plans,” the tweet reads. “While we appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm, we will share official information about Marvel’s Wolverine when the time is right.”
Marvel’s Wolverine had a dev build leaked that’s playable on PC. While Sony lawyers scour the internet to remove traces of the files, you might still encounter some videos of the game from people who got their hands on the game file.
The gargantuan 1.7 TB data breach not only leaked the early development build of Marvel’s Wolverine title but also the personal information of the studio’s current and former employees. This brought the whole video game industry together, who showed their support to the distressed Insomniac devs.
As we reported earlier, Marvel’s Wolverine is slated for release in 2026, according to the company documents. In the meantime, I hope everyone offers their unwavering support to the Insomniac devs and respects their choice to share official information about the game when they are ready.