As part of the massive data breach that Insomniac Games faced recently, pre-alpha gameplay video of Marvel’s Wolverine has started circulating online. The Rhysida ransomware group released 1.67 terabytes of data comprising over 1.3 million files from Insomniac Games on December 19. This includes gameplay footage, design documents, and plenty more details about Insomniac’s upcoming Wolverine title.
While we won’t embed the leaked videos here for obvious reasons, they confirm Wolverine to be a third-person adventure with an over-the-shoulder camera, quite similar to what you’ve seen from recent Spider-Man and God of War games on PlayStation. However, this footage dates back a few years. So, there is a chance that the game has undergone significant changes since.
The in-development gameplay footage gives a glimpse of the protagonist’s movement, and various combat and parkour maneuvers, besides revealing some of the characters you’ll encounter in the game. They include Jean Grey, Mister Sinister, Sabertooth, Sunfire, Omega Red, Mystique, and many more. Moreover, a leaked design document alludes to Jean Grey being a playable character.
The gameplay footage showcases Madripoor and Japan as in-game locations, while the leaked design document has information about Alaska and Avalon being two more areas that the game will take players to.
As for moment-to-moment gameplay, Insomniac seems to have implemented something very akin to Bloodborne’s Rally mechanic. This mechanic is termed “Ghost Health” in the leaked docs. Additionally, the game will reportedly feature a Ninja Gaiden-style parry system, a delimbing system, and a one-hit kill mechanic for staggered enemies.
There’s been no words from Sony or Insomniac yet about this gargantuan hack. It’s not tough to assume that the developers are going through an incredibly tough time. The data breach not only leaked footage and data about the games at work in Insomniac but also the personal information of all the studio employees. I hope they can overcome this attack and show us the game when they deem it ready to be shown.