Ninja Theory’s highly anticipated sequel, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, has finally received a release date. Dom Matthews, Studio Head at Ninja Theory, shared the news in a blog post on Xbox Wire, offering a glimpse into the development process and what players can expect.
According to the blog post, Senua’s world on May 21, 2024. The team remains focused on crafting “life-changing art with game-changing tech,” a mission they believe was successfully achieved with the first Hellblade. The game will be released on Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC, and Steam. Xbox Game Pass subscribers will be able to experience the journey from day one. The leak we reported on days ago was the correct date.
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II will mirror the first game in terms of length, featuring a focused narrative experience. Players can anticipate a digital-only release at $49.99 USD. Similar to the original, gameplay will center around perception puzzles inspired by Senua’s psychosis, brutal combat, and exploration. The game will keep the series’ stunning yet harsh landscapes of 10th-century Iceland.
As Matthews emphasizes, all elements are meticulously interwoven to create a unique visual and audio experience that revolves entirely around Senua’s story.
“This might sound like a lofty mission, but it is something we are proud to have achieved before in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice – a game built in a space we called ‘Independent AAA’, where we worked with the creative spirit and freedom of independent development but strove for the types of high-end production values often only associated with AAA games.”
Dom Matthews
With Hellblade II, Ninja Theory promises players immersion, fidelity, and richness at a high level while retaining the core identity of the series. This is partly thanks to the studio’s integration into Xbox Game Studios, providing increased support for their ambitious vision. Furthermore, accessibility has been a key consideration. Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II will feature localization support in 26 languages, including Arabic, Ukrainian, and even Icelandic, the language of the game’s setting.
The team at Ninja Theory, along with their collaborators in music, mental health, art, and technology, have promised in the blog post to give players a great experience, and it’s easy to see they’re giving it their best.