In response to the devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan on January 1st, 2024, The Pokémon Company and its affiliated charity, The Pokémon With You Foundation, have announced a joint donation of 50 million JPY (approximately $345,770 USD) to aid recovery efforts.
As announced on Twitter, the funds will be directed towards the Japanese Red Cross Society and local volunteer groups, specifically focusing on supporting children affected by the disaster. The Pokémon With You Foundation, established in 2018 to assist children in times of crisis, aims to help children in the affected areas through its contribution.
This earthquake, centered in the Sea of Japan, triggered tsunamis measuring up to 4.2 meters and caused significant damage and loss of life, particularly in Ishikawa Prefecture. The Pokémon Company joins other Japanese businesses, such as Square Enix and Cover Corporation, in offering financial support to relief efforts.
The tweet is in Japanese, but here’s a translate from Google Translate:
“[About support for areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake]
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024.
The Pokémon Company has decided to donate 50 million yen to the Japanese Red Cross Society and donations to support organizations in order to help those affected by the disaster and to help restore the affected areas.
Additionally, through the Pokémon With You Foundation, we will continue to carry out activities to help children affected by the disaster regain their smiles.
We sincerely pray for the earliest possible recovery and reconstruction of the disaster-stricken areas.
Pokemon With You Foundation”
While the full extent of the damage and recovery needs in the Noto Peninsula is still being assessed, The Pokémon Company’s contribution goes a long way towards helping those affected.