Palia relies heavily on labor-intensive activities like farming, fishing, and foraging to earn money. There are many ways in which you can earn money in the game. However, you will have to possess some knowledge of crop yield, selling prices, and other important factors to farm the maximum amount of money in the game.
Let me show you some of the ways I earned money fast in Palia.
The Best Ways To Quickly Make Money In Palia
There are four primary sources of income I prefer to invest my time in to farm the maximum amount of gold. They include:
- Hunting Sernuk
- Fishing
- Farming Tomatoes
- Foraging
Let us go through all of these methods in detail to see which ones offer the most profitability.
Also Read: How To Find & Catch Giant Kilima Stingray In Palia
Hunting Sernuk

I profited a lot in early game by hunting for Sernuk. Catching them is easy money as you can sell their hide, antlers, and meat. It takes 2-3 shots to kill a Sernuk, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.
- Sernuk Meat: 13 Gold for Regular Meat and 19 for Gold Star Quality
- Sernuk Antler: 43 Gold for Regular Antlers and 64 Gold Star Quality
- Sernuk Hide: 13 Gold for Regular Hides and 15 Gold if you turn it into Leather at a Loom
However, once I started progressing in the game and discovering other sources of income, the frequency of using hunting as an income reduced.

Next up is fishing. However, knowing which varieties to fish and where to find them is key. Some fish sell for as much as 400 Gold in the game. However, a beginner won’t be able to catch those.
Once you reach a higher level in the game, look for the fish that sell for higher. The table below provides all of the information you need to know about what fish to catch and how much they are worth.
Note: For beginners, I recommend catching the first seven fish.
Fish Name | Normal v/s Star Quality Price | Location Found | Spawn Time |
Barracuda | 50, 75 | Bahari coast | Evening and night time |
Cantankerous Koi | 50, 75 | Any pond | Day and night time |
Channel Catfish | 47, 70 | Kilima rivers | All hours |
Dawnray | 47, 70 | Bahari rivers | Morning hours |
Duskray | 47, 70 | Bahari rivers | Evening hours |
Rainbow Trout | 47, 70 | Kilima rivers | All hours |
Umbran Carp | 47, 70 | Caves | All hours |
Ancient Fish | 410, 615 | Kilima Lake Temple of the Waves | All hours |
Flametongue Ray | 375, 562 | Kilima rivers | Morning and day time hours |
Giant Goldfish | 410, 615 | Any pond | All hours |
Hypnotic Moray | 205, 307 | Caves | All hours |
Kenli’s Carp | 205, 307 | Caves | All hours |
Long Nosed Unicorn Fish | 410, 615 | Bahari coast | Day-time hours |
Void Ray | 375, 562 | Caves | All hours |
Blue Spotted Ray | 210, 315 | Bahari Bay coast | All hours except night time |
To get the Gold Star Quality fish more often, try to cast your line in the little ripples in the water. I also found that selling cooked fish goes for a higher price.
Also Read: Palia: Not-So-Good Boy Quest Guide
Farming Tomatoes
Tomatoes are the best crop to sell in Palia and not just because of its Gold price Tomatoes require less effort to farm and also offer substantial yields, making them worth the time and money.
Buy Tomato Seeds from General Goods store and plant them. Ensure you save some for replanting. Each Tomato sells for at least 40 Gold each and 60 if they are Gold star. Therefore, you are making back ten times the money you spent.
Foraging for items like Herbs and Spices is also an effective way to earn quick bucks in Palia. I also discovered that foraging for Oysters in Bahari Bay yields quite a few Gold Coins. When opened, these oysters might have a Pearl which sells for 105 Gold each.
Occasionally, I also collected wood and different metal ores to have enough money to go around.