Ubisoft is back to its original Assassin’s Creed roots in more ways than you can imagine with Mirage. As you set foot back on Arab soil, you are tasked with conducting a series of investigations one of the earliest of which is to find and liberate rebel leader Ali ibn Muhammad. The mission ‘Jailbreak’ introduces you to the game’s core mechanics and the plot set in a picturesque Iraq.
After you have contacted the rebels and facilitated their escape, Beshi tasks you with another mission: to break their true leader, Ali ibn Muhammad, out of prison. This mission involves multiple objectives, the first of which is to infiltrate the Damascus Gate Prison, which if you know your history of Iraq and Syria, you’ll realize, is a feat most perplexing. More so are the other mission objectives, which include finding the rebel leader and hopefully breaking him out of there with as little damage to your persons as possible.
This mission to Find and liberate Ali ibn Muhammad introduces you to a more practical application of some welcome features reintroduced in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. The art of infiltrating a fortress couldn’t be more fun and challenging with the returning AC original mechanics of parkour and stealth. Those familiar with the concept will recognize that this is no easy task and it is natural for those new to the game to be somewhat taken aback. There is no need to fret, we’ll guide you through all these nuances of AC mirage in our rescue Ali ibn Muhammad guide.
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Breach The Prison In AC Mirage Jailbreak
As you arrive at the Damascus Gate Prison, you’ll find that this structure poses more challenges than what was described by Beshi. Being an ‘assassin in the making’, your objective is to proceed regardless while ensuring that you draw as little attention to yourself and your quest as possible. There are three means of accomplishing this, all with their own ups and downs.

Infiltration Method 1
The first means of breaching Damascus Gate Prison is by speaking to a rebel right outside the prison. The rebel is easily convinced to help you out if you have the Power Favor Token granted to you by Beshi after the Contact the Rebels mission. This token can also be pick-pocketed from random NPCs nearby if you no longer have it in your inventory.
The rebel will call in the aid of a few of his compatriots and together you can parkour your way atop a less guarded section of the Damascus Gate Prison outer wall. As the rebels pick a fight with the guards within that section of the prison, you can sneak into the unlocked door without being detected.
Infiltration Method 2
The second option to infiltrate the fortress to rescue Ali ibn Muhammad in AC Mirage involves using the favor of a merchant in the area. To do so you need to possess the Merchant Favor Token which again can be pick-pocketed from unsuspecting NPCs. Once you have the token, the merchant will have you pick up a crate and lead you right through the front entrance in the guise of delivering some goods.
Once inside a storage area, the merchant departs and you can head through the staircase nearby and unlock a door that will lead right through to the prison area. This option saves fighting or assassinating most of the guards on your way to the prison.
Infiltration Method 3
There is always the option that has been available since the days of Altair. If you are not good at stealth or lack the patience, just jump in and go berserk on the guards inside. This, of course, will turn most of the guards in the outer area of the prison on you. It is best to equip yourself well enough before proceeding with this option.
Whatever method you choose your goal is to enter the prison and proceed with the next objective to find Ali ibn Muhammad in AC Mirage.
How to Find Ali ibn Muhammad in Damascus Gate Prison?
Infiltrating the prison was the easy part. Now you have to find the rebel leader and given the labyrinthine nature of the Damascus Gate Prison, it can be quite a confusing maze to navigate. As you enter the prison courtyard, you’ll find it to be quite the social gathering which seems to be more civilized than what you had encountered outside the prison.
The guards too seem quite blasé about the whole situation. It doesn’t take much to attract their attention, but conveniently enough you have the option of blending with the prisoners and hiding in plain sight. AC Mirage is known for its historical accuracy and this is exactly how prisons worked in the Middle Ages.
As you merge from one crowd through the next, you can find your way to a door underneath the yellow awning. This will lead to the cells where you can find some hanging laundry which based on their size and shape seem to be loin cloth and given their color, it is evident that hygiene is not a priority at the Damascus Gate Prison. It is clear that you need to save Ali ibn Muhammad from this nightmare in AC Mirage as soon as possible.
Laundry Room
Head in the opposite direction of the loin cloth cells and up the staircase where a couple of guards are patrolling. Take them out with stealth and proceed through the hallway and down the staircase to the left. This will lead you to what is probably the laundry room and you are greeted by some more dirty laundry and several guards.

If you are patient enough you can take out all the guards stealthily without losing any health. Once you’ve dealt with the guards, you can proceed through the area till you reach the laundry area. You can find a crippled civilian here who groans about the predicament of the prison. You can climb up the shelf next to him to access the next level.
This area is lightly guarded with one guard looking down below onto the balcony and one patrolling the corridor. After you have dealt with them proceed through the dungeon and locate the cell holding Ali ibn Muhammad prisoner in AC Mirage.
The door to the dungeon is barred with a wooden plank. You can remove it and proceed inside. All doors are locked from this point onwards and the only path you can take leads you directly to the place where Ali ibn Muhammad is being held captive. You have to slide in through a crevice in the wall with some cloth hanging to do so. Conveniently enough, Basim tucks in his belly to ensure you slide in with ease.

You’ll find the Jailer next to Ali having a very sinister conversation with him. You can sneak behind and assassinate him before things get out of hand. Once you free Ali ibn Muhammad in AC Mirage, he will give you a brief rundown of the situation. And he will insist that you uncover some orders that could help pinpoint where the real villain (at least at this point) Al Ghul is headed next. After your conversation with Ali ends, you will acquire the keys to Damascus prison which can unlock all doors within the prison.
Note: It is possible to take on the Jailer in a straightforward fight as the mission objective suggests, but the stealth assassination is much easier and saves a lot of time.
Find the Guard’s Quarters and Recover the Orders
Now that you have the keys, doors are now open to you and you can simply follow the quest marker to find the guard’s quarters. The area you are looking for can be accessed through a door to the far end of the room which will lead you through a staircase. You will encounter a few guards as you proceed to your objective.

Once you’ve dealt with the guards, you can enter the Guards’ quarters where Ali ibn Muhammad begins looking for the orders to triangulate Al Ghul’s next location in AC Mirage. This involves a cutscene where Basim barricades the door while Ali does his business. Once the orders are found, Basim allows Ali to escape by slowing down the guards with his own sword.

It is not recommended that you take Basim’s promise in the cutscene at face value. This is an Assassin’s Creed game after all and although the entire Damascus Prison is now hunting for you, the guards will forget you even exist the second you leave the area and become anonymous.
Besides, Ali ibn Muhammad vanishes immediately after the cutscene ends. So, it is best to avoid the difficult fight by taking any of the escape routes available on the terrace. We escaped by zip-lining off the conveniently placed rope to the right of the door as you exit.
This concludes our Ali ibn Muhammad Jailbreak walkthrough for AC Mirage. If you are wondering how you can power through the character progression in the game, be sure to check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage level up guide.