When it comes to your town’s survival in Manor Lords, key resources like food, firewood, and water are your top priority. But there is another aspect that can potentially send your town into poverty: Regional Wealth. Each region has its own pool of Regional Wealth, so let’s look at how you can earn it in Manor Lords.
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Getting Regional Wealth in Manor Lords
There are three main ways to earn Regional Wealth in Manor Lords. The first method is by exporting valuable items for money and the other is by taking down Raider camps that are near the region of your current town.
Exporting Goods

Exporting is the most consistent way to earn Regional Wealth in Manor Lords. To do this, place down a Trading Post, assign at least one family to it, and then establish a trading route for the item you wish to export and it will automatically start trading that item for Regional Wealth.
In the default scenario settings, all starting towns start off with 50 Regional Wealth. This is very valuable and you should avoid using it for making Backyard Extensions before you get your trading post up and running.
This is because your starting Regional Wealth is better used to establish Trade Routes for the items you will need to import and export in the early game. Once you have started exporting an easy-to-manufacture item like Planks, you can then start spending your Regional Wealth on other things.
Also Read: How to Walk Around Your Town in Manor Lords
Attacking Raider Camps
Another way to earn some quick Regional Wealth is to send your troops out to attack the nearby Raider Camps. But you will need to have at least one militia squad strong enough to take down the Raiders defending it. Whenever you take the camp down, you will get the following options:
- Send resources to the nearest town
- This belongs to my Tresaury now
Choosing the first option of sending it to the nearest town will send the money to the nearest controlled region and add money to its Regional Wealth. The other option will simply add it to your Personal Wealth instead.
Upgrade Burgage Plots to Level Two
The final way to gain Regional Wealth is to upgrade your Burgage Plots to level two. We went over this in a previous guide, but essentially you need to hit a checklist of requirements to upgrade the plots.
Once that’s done, each level two Burgage Plot earns one Regional Wealth per month. If you have plenty of level two plots, that’s quite a bit of passive Regional Wealth coming in for your settlement.