Red Crystal Dust in Lightyear Frontier is used in four different recipes: Red Glass, Color Mixer, Weather Station, and Hose Power Upgrade. To obtain the Red Crystal Dust in Lightyear Frontier, one must first get some Red Crystals. However, turning the Red Crystals into Crystal Dust requires a few extra steps.
Where To Find The Red Crystal Dust In Lightyear Frontier
To find Red Crystals, you must venture over to Pine Heights which is found on the Northwestern side of the map. While you are in your mech, make your way over to the northernmost side of the area near the rocky pillars.
Explore around the area to harvest more Red Crystals. Once you obtain them, you will need to make the Grinder to procure the Red Crystal Dust.
Note: The Spike Saw Tool of the Mech should be upgraded (Spike Saw Power I) at the Upgrade Depot to harvest the Red Crystals.
How To Make The Red Crystal Dust Using The Grinder In Lightyear Frontier
To obtain the Red Crystal Dust, you must use the Grinder. To make it, we are going to need the following items.
- 12 Rocks
- Four Copper Wires
- Four Aluminium Rods
To obtain Four Copper Wires, you must get Copper from the Edge Cliffs region of the map. You will need to restore the region first by removing the Noxious Weeds. To make the Copper Wire, make your way over to the Assembler and pop in your Copper Ore.
You can find Aluminium Rods in high frequency in Meadows and Pine Heights.
Once you have all your materials, make the Grinder and select the Red Crystal Dust Recipe to then make Red Crystal Dust.