Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has reignited excitement for the beloved franchise after a 13-year hiatus. However, questions about multiplayer and co-op features naturally come with the modern gaming landscape’s emphasis on social experiences. Below, we’ll let you know whether Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown offers multiplayer functionality.
Does Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Have Multiplayer?
No, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will not feature multiplayer modes. It is solely a single-player experience, and there are no plans to add multiplayer in the future. Players will embark on the adventure solely as Sargon, a young warrior rescuing the kidnapped Prince Ghassan. Ubisoft chose to stay true to the series’ roots, known for its captivating and personalized narratives built for solitary heroics.
Why Doesn’t Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Have Multiplayer?
Ubisoft’s decision to not include multiplayer is based on a number of factors. Firstly, focusing on single-player allows for a more tightly woven narrative tailored to Sargon’s journey, maximizing emotional impact and character development. Additionally, the Metroidvania-inspired level design thrives in a single-player context, encouraging exploration and discovery at your own pace without needing to factor in the actions of other players.
Multiplayer adds a lot to development, so it’s better for everyone involved if the game is stuck with a single-player. This way, the single-player can be as good as possible.
Related: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Platforms
Is Multiplayer Coming in the Future?
While Ubisoft hasn’t definitively ruled out multiplayer, it’s not currently planned for launch. Their primary focus lies in delivering a polished and engaging single-player experience. However, the possibility of future DLC or expansions introducing multiplayer remains open, so fans shouldn’t lose hope entirely.
Does Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Have Co-Op?
There is no co-op in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. The game is designed for a solitary adventure, with Sargon facing enemies and solving puzzles alone. This aligns with the traditional Prince of Persia formula, offering players a challenge of individual skill and resourcefulness.
Whether the lack of multiplayer or co-op puts you off depends on your taste. You might find this latest Prince of Persia adventure to be your next game if you like exploring and fighting, not just online play.