While life is extremely peaceful and relaxing on the Coral Island, money is still a major element at play if you want to sustain the lifestyle. As you progress in the game, you will naturally need more money to expand your piece of land and implement various upgrades.
While farming can be considered the main way to make money in Coral Island, there are several other methods through which you can increase your cash pile. This Coral Island money making guide details some interesting ways that will help you earn more, so you can build the farm, house, and life of your dreams.
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Collect Everything
If you are a hardcore RPG player, you must know this rule. Collect everything and throw nothing (that can be sold) away. Coral Island has a massive map filled with exciting and potentially valuable things lying around. Even scraps in the game can be put to good use. If you are someone who loves exploring and foraging, making money in Coral Island will be a piece of cake for you.
While roaming around the island, get into the habit of foraging. Try and engage with every object you come across. Whatever you collect will have some value to someone. Even if that value is a little low, you still turn a profit, as the object didn’t cost anything.
Tip: Try and upgrade your inventory in the early stages of the game. Having a large enough inventory can work wonders for your money-making efforts. You don’t have to worry about carrying too much and having to throw stuff away while you’re out in the wild and something valuable catches your eye.
If you’ve just started playing Coral Island, we highly recommend going through our Coral Island beginner tips article.
Explore Mines For Good Loot
While mines are a hotspot for dangers, they also contain very good loot. As you progress in the story, you will surely make your way in and out of many different mines. These mines house various important resources. Some can be used for crafting or upgrading your tools, while others can be used to turn a small profit.
While making trips to the mines to pick up metal ores, make sure you explore them thoroughly to gain some extra loot. The mines are long and deep and deeper you travel, the more enemies you will meet. However, slaying these monsters will be completely worth the effort, as the resources you will find deep in the mines will definitely cost more.
Collect Geodes
Another fun yet profitable way to make money in Coral Island is collecting geodes. Geodes can be found in the Caverns and contain various artifacts inside. Inside these geodes, you may find an artifact that needs to be donated to the museum. You can also find a rare gem. Both of these items can also be sold for a considerable sum of money.
While it can prove to be a long shot (not everything that falls out from inside the geode will be valuable), it can be a good way to spend a rainy day in mine. Furthermore, if you are already in a mine and have nothing else planned for the moment, take some time and collect multiple geodes. Chances are, you will find something worth your while.
Note: You have to take your collected geodes to Sanchez Blacksmith Brothers to break the geodes and find what’s inside. If you don’t want to gamble the worth of your geode, the rock itself can be sold for a fair base price. Decide what you want before handing the rock to the Blacksmith.
Catch Fish & Insects
By popular opinion, one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money in Coral Island is catching fish and insects. As the game takes place on a tropical island, you can rest well knowing that these two creatures will be present in abundance.
It’s always a good practice to donate the first catch of a particular insect or fish to the museum, and the second one could be provided as an offering in the Temple. Every last fish and insect caught by you later can be safely sold to earn decent profit.
You don’t even have to go to extreme lengths to look for exotic or rare insects or fish. While those fetch a handsome amount, they can be a pain to find, catch, and sell.
You can start your bug catching journey right from your farm. Simply digging your farmland with your hoe can yield magical results. Even the most common bugs, like Ground Beetles can fetch up to 45 coins per insect. So, if you dig up 32 common Ground Beetles in a day (which is possible on a fresh patch of land), you can sell those for a whopping 1,440 Coins.
Complete Band Of Smiles quests
Band of Smiles is a secret group of adventurers in Coral Island. They are extremely selective, however, with luck, you can pass their entrance test and join the group.
Once you are in, you will gain access to the Band of Smile (B.O.S.) group’s private job boards. These boards feature listings for odd jobs that require heart of an adventurer. The primary directive of B.O.S. is keeping the mines and the surrounding areas safe from monsters and wild animals.

The jobs will primarily have you pick up different types of stuff from different mines. In order to complete these quests, you will have to explore the mines and surrounding areas and defeat some monsters. It’s a good way to freshen up your combat skills from time to time and even earn some decent money in return.
Check out our comprehensive Band of Smiles guide to gain information about their location and how to join them.
Undertake Errands Offered By Townsfolk
You can undertake certain errands posted by residents of Starlet Town to make money in Coral Island. You can find these errands posted on the wooden bulletin board outside Sam’s General Store. If you see an exclamation point on the board while you’re passing by, it means there’s a job you can take. These jobs vary from time to time.
Some characters might ask you to grow a certain crop, while others might ask your help in something urgent, such as delivering something or completing a task for them. Once you complete the errand, your heart points with the person that offered it will increase, along with some coins for your trouble.
Focus On Growing High Value Crops/Plants
As Coral Island is primarily a farming sim, the game allows you to take home some serious cash if you focus your attention to your farm.
Rather than producing quick yielding and low maintenance crops, you might benefit from focusing on growing high value crops or plants. While these types of plants take more out of you, they also offer excellent value when sold. Some of the best examples of high value crops in Coral Island are Strawberries, Pineapple, Bok Choy, Rice, Melons, and Hot Peppers.
Moreover, you can also try growing certain quick yield crops that can be planted several times every month. For example, Soyabean is an excellent crop that you can plant up to five times each month. Even better is Sugarcane, that can be grown up to 24 times in a month.
While these types of crops may not offer high value right away, they can be grown and sold multiple times each month, creating a healthy cash flow for you.
Win Festival Activities And Mini-Games
Festivals offer a great opportunity to engage with a wider base of characters, participate in fun activities, and also make a quick buck. Though limited in number, festivals in Coral Island feature a flurry of exciting activities and mini-games.
While some are just for fun and you stand to win certain items (rare ones, sometimes) by participating and winning, most festivals include at least one main event that shells out considerable pile of coins to the winner.
One fun example is the Cherry Blossom Potluck festival. The main attraction of this festival is the sack race amongst the townsfolk. You can enter this race and stand to win a whopping 1000 coins as a reward for the first place. Not only is this a chance to pocket some easy cash, but you will also have fun while you’re at it.
Tip: Check out our Coral Island Tree Planting Festival guide as well as and the Coral Island Harvest Festival guide.