Remnant 2 features many brand-new and unique weapons catered to every situation. The Savior is one such powerful new weapon. It’s a long-range rifle equipped with a weapon mod that uses the power of the Root itself to burn your enemies.
While this weapon can be devasting in its power, it is a tough one to unlock. So, let’s take a deeper look at the weapon and its abilities and also how you can craft and unlock it in Remnant 2.
All details for the Savior Weapon and how to unlock it in Remnant 2

The Savior weapon can be purchased from Brabus at Ward 13 for 1500 Scraps after completing the game in Hardcore mode at Veteran difficulty. Suffice to say, this is only recommended to players who have already played through the game at least once in regular mode. You can then attempt to finish the game in hardcore mode with the Veteran difficulty and unlock the Savior weapon.
However, once you do get your hands on this beast, it can prove to be quite powerful with its ability to charge shots giving you increased damage. It is a Long Gun class weapon, which means it goes in your primary weapon slot. It can also be upgraded 10 times due to being a special weapon. Also, the unique Shatterstar weapon mod that comes attached to it will allow you to imbue your shot with white fire, making your enemies burn for a long time.

To help you further decide if this is something you should wield, here are the complete base stats of the Savior weapon in Remnant 2:
- Damage: 72
- RPS: 1.9
- Magazine: 6
- Accuracy: 95%
- Ideal Range: 25m
- Falloff Range: 75m
- Max Ammo: 42
- Critical Hit Chance: 10%
- Weak Spot Damage Bonus: +115%
- Stagger Modifier: 0%
Weapon Mod:
Shatterstar: Imbues shots with White hot FIRE. Hits apply BURNING, dealing 100 FIRE damage over 10 seconds. Lasts 20s. Weakspot Hits and Kills cause shots to fragment, automatically targeting nearby enemies. Fragments strike for 50% of the initial damage dealt and apply BURNING. Mod Power Requirement:1250
That is all you need to know about the Savior Weapon in Remnant 2. After securing the Savior Weapon, amplify your offensive capabilities with the Firestorm Weapon Mod to take on tougher adversaries. For more guides and articles like this, check out our Remant 2 Guide Hub to find what you are looking for.