Destiny 2 The Final Shape added a bunch of new weapons to the game that have shaken up the meta. One of these is the Khvostov 7G-0X Exotic auto rifle that many players are in search of. But unlocking this weapon requires you to get Motes of Light in Destiny 2, here is how you can find all of them.
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How to Find All 17 Motes of Light in Destiny 2
There are two sources from which you can get Mote of Light in Destiny 2, eight of them can be obtained from collecting Visions of The Traveler, and the other nine are obtained from defeating Overthrow bosses in each zone of Pale Heart. We have to warn you, it’s not an easy task to get these and it can get confusing. We recommend using the video we provided while using our map location and images.
First Mote of Light

You’re going to find this first Mote of Light near a waterfall in a small corner of the Lost City.

Second Mote of Light

This second Mote of Light will be in The Landing. You’re going to have a steep drop to get in front of another waterfall for this one.

Third Mote of Light

This Mote of Light is hidden in a cave that you have to jump down to. It’s at the top of a waterfall (there’s a theme here) but before the drop.

Fourth Mote of Light

This Mote of Light is going to be on the very top of a tree. It’s a huge ugly tree and will take a lot of acrobatics to get on top of.

Fifth Mote of Light

Before the path to this Mote of Light opens up, you’ll have to fight an Ogre in The Seclusion. After, follow the path through a cave and your reward will be at the end.

Sixth Mote of Light

This sixth Mote of Light is going to be near the entrance to an underground bunker. It’s on the left near a satellite.

Seventh Mote of Light

This Mote of Light is hidden in plain sight. There’s going to be a lot of towers and beacon-like objects around. At the top of one will be what you need.

Eighth Mote of Light

You’re going to be lost for a while in this maze of what feels like desert sand. This Mote of Light will be near a tree, in the area we have above.

Collecting Visions of The Traveler (8 Motes of Light)
There are a total of eight Visions of the Traveler collectible items that each grant a Mote of Light. They are spread across the Pale Heart, one for each area. While we have provided the map and images for you, I’d say to watch the video above made by Esoterickk. It’s much easier to follow a video because the way to them is very complicated. After you have collected all of them, you will now have eight Motes of Light in your inventory.
Also Read: Where To Find Facet of Generosity In Destiny 2
Defeating Overthrow Bosses (9 Motes of Light)

Overthrow activities can be found in each of the zones of the Pale Heart. In this activity, there are four levels with each requiring you to collect a certain amount of points except the last level which is a boss fight. Points can be collected by doing random events, collecting chests, and defeating enemies.
Once you clear the first three levels of an Overthrow, the last level will have you face against a boss. Defeating this boss will grant you a Mote of Light. There are a total of nine such bosses to defeat, after which you will have all Motes of Light in Destiny 2. Defeating the same boss again won’t give you another Mote of Light.
The last boss in this series of bosses will also drop the Mote of Primordial Light. You can then go to The Lost City inside the Tower and place the Visions of the Traveler on the pillars to spawn a Golden Chest. Using the Mote of Primordial Light, you can open this chest and get the Khvostov 7G-0X Exotic auto rifle.