Pursuing side quests is a great way of keeping your gameplay fresh and engaging. This is especially true when you are playing a space RPG that has you wandering across a universe with 1,000 planets to get things done. Starfield boasts an impressive assortment of side quests that are quite meaningful and make it worth deviating from the game’s main story. In fact, some of these side quests and their characters actually deserve a reprise just for being amazingly relatable.
While borrowing from their time-tested RPG formulae, Bethesda has gone a step further to bring in some aspects that will make you ponder before making any decision. Here is a list of Starfield side quests that we felt made the NASA-punk RPG come to life.
Operation Starseed

This is the closest Starfield comes to discussing a dystopian takeover in the future. Planet Charybdis III of the Charybdis system is chock full of conflict, dystopian ideology, historical references, and Easter eggs. This is arguably the most engaging Starfield side quest and it offers you quite a bit to unpack and experience.
The conflict in Charybdis III is between three factions, the Believers, the Pragmatists, and the Renegades, each of whom has its own unique ideology. Despite the differences, it ultimately ends up emphasizing the autocratic, dystopian vision that such situations seem to favor. Your involvement will help one of these factions gain absolute power over the land. Of course, the rewards for completing are quite generous including the option of recruiting one of three great personalities on the planet.
Juno’s Gambit

Juno’s Gambit deals with a very contemporary and difficult quandary that has many great minds in the real world at odds. This mission deals with the subject of a supposedly rogue AI that according to its Ryujin Industries will destroy the universe if it is allowed to live. While the Ryujin aren’t exactly known for taking the moral high ground on most occasions, they still have the right to defend their fears and do what is in their best interest.
But the AI named Juno begs to differ and offers a rather lucid and logical argument that many might agree with. Regardless of what either party thinks, you are the ultimate authority on what happens aboard a stranded ship which can be encountered randomly. However, our research does triangulate the most common area for this Starfield side quest to be the Khayyam System. This is an interesting quest that allows you to immerse into the world and be part of what seems like a very animated reality existing within the Starfield universe.
Ground Pounder

With this mission, Bethesda expects you to accomplish what the US has been trying to do (or wants you to believe they do) for decades: head into a war-torn region and stop the war. You are sent in the middle of a war between two colonies who, like with most wars, forgot why they were fighting. Upon your arrival at the scene of the mayhem, the Freestar Rangers and United Colonies Vanguards seem to have united albeit momentarily to face a much larger threat.
Fortunately, their new target is not you but a bunch of marauding Spacers who want to loot the research facilities in the area. Needless to say, your involvement ends up bringing the two ground units closer to work in harmony to defeat the greater evil. This mission deals with subjects that are relevant now more than ever, given all the events transpiring across the world.
Space Frog from Outer Space

With all the emphasis on building space outposts and all the customization possibilities, little Renee from the planet Cydonia can be excused for having a very modest and innocent dream: decorate her condominium with a poster she drew. This innocent and morally rewarding mission is just what the game needed to put things into perspective and make you feel down to earth again (figuratively speaking, of course).
As you roam around Luxe Condominiums putting up the kid’s artwork, you cannot help but appreciate the aspect of world-building that you are solidifying here. Once you are done putting up the Space Frog posters, Renee rewards a handsome sum of 12 credits which she has been saving up all summer. Apart from the option of accepting this reward, you also gain access to her poster which can now adorn the walls of your outpost as well.
First Contact

This Starfield side quest introduces you to a precarious situation in the Proxima system. There is trouble brewing in Paradiso which is a resort on the planet Proxima II where the residents are worried about a ship suspended in space. Upon interacting with the people aboard the mystery ship, you’ll uncover that they supposedly have a claim over Proxima II granted to them centuries ago by old Earthians. Needless to say, you are dragged into settling a land dispute that will take you on a wild adventure.
Also Read: First Contact Quest Choices Guide
As always, it is your judgment that will ultimately solve the issue.
Tourists Go Home

When all options of evicting touring astronauts from your research facility have been exhausted, what other option would you turn to? Well, Dr. Giuliana Lakota of the New Homestead on Jupiter’s Moon Titan decided to take a very old-school approach: scare them into leaving as villains from a certain classic Earth cartoon would do.
You being the ever helpful space Samaritan are entrusted with evacuating the unwanted astronauts with a rather ghastly means. Dr. Giuliana conveniently has the right attire in store for you to accomplish the mission at hand. Given that you are a natural fit for the outfit and there are no meddling kids here to thwart your plan, the astronauts hightail it out of there before you can say ‘Scooby snacks’. As a reward for your valiant effort, the doctor lets you keep the suit which you can use to practice your new craft elsewhere in the universe.

This an interesting mission and a very rewarding one if you are ready to venture to Denebola I B following a random note directing you to an opportunity of a lifetime. Apparently, an unusual vigilante hero has been found missing for quite some time and the unsavory sort are trying to get a hold of his precious possessions that were once used to fight crime.
The only thing more exciting than the premise of this mission is the fact that you can pursue it very early in the game. Be warned though you will have to deal with some high-level enemies who are well-armed and ready to defend their loot. If you succeed, you are rewarded with a unique suit and an amazing yet unusual starship, both of them of legendary quality.
The Colander

This Starfield side quest follows a similar plot as many a space fantasy that revolves around the concept of survival. While venturing across the Scholinger system, you can encounter a ship that seems to be following an unusual course. Unlike normal starships that just stay in one position or maneuver away from planets, this one is found to be orbiting the third planet in the system.
Upon boarding the ship you’ll find it abandoned with almost all loot still intact. As you venture further you’ll discover a very sci-fi reason why the inhabitants of the starship decided to abandon it in the first place. You can delve deep and deal with the not-so-friendly visitor or just grab what you can and leave with what you can without risking your well-being.
The Audition

Mob mentality is a very basic human concept and seems to follow the race wherever it goes. It, therefore, shouldn’t come as a surprise that the streets of Neon City are rife with gangs who find strength in numbers and like to impose their dominance on the planet Volii Alpha. The Strikes Gang of Neon City is always on the lookout for new blood and none would suit their needs better than the protagonist of a Space RPG.
As this Starfield side quest ensues, you get to climb the ranks of the Strikers and take down their rivals, The Disciples who will ultimately meet their demise in all the trouble and mayhem you are entrusted to cause. This is an enthralling mission that lets you go either full guns blazing or take a more discrete approach to bring down the enemy.
Run the Red Mile

If you are someone who likes to tell tales of your exploits to eager barflies that hang on to your every word, Starfield has a unique proposition to create a story of a lifetime. The planet Porrima III is home to a unique hotel that welcomes spacefarers bold or otherwise to immerse themselves in the many activities that are offered there. A very interesting but unhealthy activity offered at this hotel is the chance to ‘Run the Red Mile’.
As the name suggests, it is a running challenge where you are expected to activate a beacon placed near a pass a mile away. Just in case you feel that this was a silly idea and don’t want to finish running said mile or you decide walking or jogging is healthier, the hotel people have unleashed countless monsters to keep you motivated throughout your run. If you survive the run, you’ll have a great story to share and some neat rewards that can help you through your journey. This Starfield side quest can be retaken; so if gauntlets are your thing, you can make Porrima III your home.