Destiny 2’s next big update, The Final Shape, is now available to pre-load, and as usual, there are bugs and errors surrounding it. This isn’t new when it comes to Destiny 2, and this time, players are getting a message that says, “This version of Destiny 2 is no longer available,” despite being on the latest version.
If you are like me, who has pre-loaded Destiny 2 The Final Shape, updated to the new version, and is still getting this error, then this is how you can fix it.
This Version of Destiny 2 is No Longer Available Error Fix
The error message that says “This version of Destiny 2 is no longer available” is appearing because you are trying to access The Final Shape before its release. The only solution to this is to wait for Bungie to apply a hotfix that will put your downloaded version into a release state, which will only happen on The Final Shape’s full release.
While the pre-load is available to download, that version isn’t the release version. Likely, the servers are currently down for maintenance for the release of The Final Shape. You can check out the official Destiny server and status page for more information.
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This is something that has never happened before in previous Destiny 2 updates, which is why players are seemingly confused. Other players who haven’t pre-loaded The Final Shape are also getting an outdated error message due to the servers being in maintenance in preparation for the launch.
In usual cases with other big updates, the server downtime would be 15 to 20 minutes, but Bungie is now taking the time to prepare thoroughly. Since the servers have been down, many players haven’t gotten to update to the latest version and have no option now but to wait for the servers to go back up. Only then can they start downloading the latest update.