Last Updated: 2 Oct, 2023
Stats are of great importance when it comes to RPGs, Soulsborne or otherwise. Given the demanding nature of the gameplay, especially the combat mechanics in Lies of P, it is natural for players to look for the best way to efficiently distribute stats. Understanding the ideal stat levels or soft caps (as they are known in the Soulsborne circles in particular) therefore becomes a necessity to make the best out of Geppetto’s Puppet.
Lies of P soft caps represent a point where the benefits of investing in a stat become no longer useful to the character. So, investing beyond a particular threshold becomes futile and you can instead look to levelling up other stats. Given the Ergo it takes to level up after a certain point, this is an essential aspect to look into and analyze.
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Soft Caps Explained

Since investing in any stat in Lies of P becomes a redundant affair after its soft cap is reached, it is worth knowing what each stat does and how it affects gameplay. There are six primary stats in Lies of P and each of these corresponds to abilities and attributes such as HP, Phys. Attack, Phys. Defense, Guard, Stamina, etc. Each of these stats also requires a certain amount of Ergo to upgrade. The amount required increases substantially as you progress to higher levels.
At this point, what is known of the Lies of P soft caps is that the max level for each stat is set at 60 which is yet to be fully confirmed though. Furthermore, some attributes such as the defense attributes correlate with the overall level of your character. Investing in any character stat will immediately reflect on these attributes. We have yet to explore how hard caps will affect the defense attributes.
Stat | Soft Cap Values |
Vitality | 15 |
Vigor | 10 |
Capacity | 20 |
Motivity | 15 |
Technique | 15 |
Advance | 15 |
Soft Caps in Lies of P and Affected Gameplay Parameters

This stat is essential for primary physical attributes. It affects the common abilities of HP and Guard. So far we have noticed a substantial buff to these attributes up to level 10.
After level 10, there is a noticeable decrease in gain but they only begin to diminish after level 12. Level 15, so far in our experience, seems to be the soft cap for Vitality and there is not much gain at least worth the expense in either HP or Guard.

This stat directly correlates with Stamina and therefore is a stat that is of a lesser priority. After level 5, there seems to be a dip in the gains to stamina and the decrease is quite noticeable as you reach level 10.
Still, to maintain a balanced stat, it is recommended that you invest at least up to level 8. But you can go higher if you have gone for a Strength build as the stamina buff is considerable for even level 10.
This is an essential stat and affects two parameters: carry weight and legion arm levels. If you like to collect everything and hoard, then surely you’ll need as much carry weight as the game can offer.
The legion arm on the other hand is vital for the abilities that it allows Pinocchio to use. Keeping this in mind, the game allows a generous soft cap of level 20 for the capacity stat, although you will experience some diminishing returns after level 15.
Motivity is the most vital aspect in combat especially if you are going for a strength-based build. This affects the effectiveness of all strength-based weapons such as greatswords. This is also a critical stat to look for while leveling up other build attributes.
If you are opting for a strength build, investing in Motivity will yield impressive results up to level 15, with signs of diminishing returns starting at level 12. But if you are looking to diversify, dexterity will require twice as many levels of upgrades to reach the same level of Motivity.
Technique is quite similar to Motivity in principle but applies to Dexterity build and associated weapons such as rapiers. Dexterity builds can also gain from investing up to level 15 in technique and a strength build will have to consume more character levels to accomplish the same.
The build benefiting from leveling in both these attributes is balanced which allows you to level up to 12 or 15 with no noticeable penalties or diminishing returns.
This is yet another attribute that affects the Legion arm. In this case, this stat determines its power. It also improves the effectiveness of throwable items.
This stat, however, starts showing diminishing returns at a very early level, 8 in our experience so far. As you approach level 15, investing in Advance is almost a redundant affair.
Our Suggestion

Soft caps, at this point in time with the game just being released worldwide, seem to be set at certain optimal levels that complement specific builds. The larger diminishing returns are noticeable only in the Strength and Dexterity builds. The balanced build seems to benefit the most from the current soft cap settings and therefore would be an ideal choice, especially if you are new to the genre.
There is, however, a choice to respec the stats after you complete the chapter 7 boss fight with Champion Victor. We are yet to uncover how this influences the soft caps in Lies of P.